HIYA海雅:1/18 特警判官 - 火焰判官 & 巨人判官 可动人偶【共2款】
Originally designed by legendary artist Brian Bolland (Batman: The Killing Joke, Camelot 3000), Judge Fire is the final member ofthe Dark Judges, the alien superfiends from a dimension where all life has been declared a crime. Clothed in eery, lethal flames and
carrying his lethal trident, Fire brings death and destruction everywhere he goes!
In contrast, Giant was a rookie Judge when he first appeared in 1977 - the son of legendary aeroball player John 'Giant' Clay - and
was passed to become a full Judge by Dredd, whose life he later saved during the reign of the mad Chief Judge Cal. Tragically, he
lost his own life just before The Apocalypse War when he was shot by the Soviet assassin, Orlok - a death that caused outrage
amongst readers.