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分享 操蛋的生活(What a fucking day)
2010-11-28 01:23
今天我从我15岁的女儿电脑上搜出来一部A片,藏在“未来的职业”文件夹里,未来的职业!Whatafuckingday! 昨天晚上我裸着就穿一内裤躺床上,边喝酸奶边上网,不小心酸奶滴到身上了,我正在擦,我爸突然进来了,居然以为我在SY什么话也没说扭头又关门出去了。Whata  ...
个人分类: 闲淡|1810 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 We weren't born to follow----bon jovi
2010-11-28 01:21
我们不是天生注定当追随者We weren't born to follow bon jovi This one goes out to the man who mines for miracles This one goes out to the ones in need This one goes out to the sinner and the cynical This ain't about no apology This road was paved by the h ...
个人分类: 音乐|1142 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 should've said no----Taylor Swift
2010-11-28 01:20
《should've said no 应该已经说过不》 Taylor Swift It's strange to think the songs we used to sing 很不习惯去想我们唱的那首歌 The smiles, the flowers, everything: is gone 笑脸,鲜花,一切:不见了 Yesterday I found out ...
个人分类: 音乐|1045 次阅读|0 个评论

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