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[载具] 载具工厂 新品:[钢铁脊梁 二战德军闪电战强力助手]-1/6 全金属 欧宝卡车

发表于 2021-8-23 22:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
大家好 好久没发布新品了 希望大家多多支持 多多指教!~~~

尺寸 1000*385*460mm
材质  全金属 +橡胶+松木



欧宝早期三吨原型车二战前欧宝是德国最大的卡车生产制造商,欧宝S/SSM卡车系列3吨中型军用卡车拥有强劲动力,卡车前方动力舱盖能够在两侧打开,欧宝公司出色的设计方案当时非常流行。德军被这款军用卡车的性能和设计所吸引,欧宝公司获得了德军第一批3吨系列军用运输卡车的订单。欧宝三吨运输卡车欧宝4X2系列中型卡车是一种常规布局钢制驾驶室木制车厢的车型。德军装备计划车型命名为TypS。 欧宝动力舱配备一台排量3.6 L的直列六缸水冷汽油发动机,发动机输出73.5马力,车辆自重约2.1吨,车长为5.95米,车身宽度为2.34米,车高3.18米(含打开车辆顶棚高度)。车辆满载状态下实际载重能够达到3.31吨。欧宝军用卡车最高公路时速达到85公里,车辆油箱容量为82L,公路路况行驶里程为320公里,越野路况最大行程约230公里。欧宝4X2中型卡车是TypS系列型号的一种车型,这款卡车的变型车种类很多。
欧宝系列军用卡车(Blitz 36-6700A)和客车是德军战场输送任务的主力运输车型,它为德军闪电战顺利进行提供了极其重要的助力支持。欧宝性能优异的中型卡车成为德军连接前线与后方的钢铁大动脉和战场脊梁。欧宝3吨级中型卡车是德国二战期间装备最多的一款军用卡车,总产量超过10万辆以上。德军运输卡车德军对于卡车战场越野性的要求越来越高,欧宝公司在3吨中型卡车基础上研制了一种代号Typ A的新型四轮驱动卡车。欧宝中型卡车前轮驱动效果比大多数4X2卡车机动性要强,4X4的驱动方式相比原有轴距缩短150mm,车辆配备一台双速十档变速器。欧宝四驱3吨卡车越野性极佳,尤其在复杂路况和地形下游刃有余,德军在北非和东线战场复杂环境都能运用自如,这款卡车衍生出很多种半履带式变型车,欧宝系列四驱卡车总产量大约为25000辆。
Hello everyone, I haven't released new products for a long time. I hope you can support and give me more advice~~~

Accessories: shovel

Military pickaxe

Canvas awning


A horseshoe for luck


Steel backbone, powerful assistant of German Blitz in World War II, main Opel truck for battlefield transportation task

Around 1930, there was a very big technical defect in the logistics system of the German national defense force. Nearly 100 different types of heavy trucks in the supply and transportation system were in service. Different standards of various auto parts could not be used in the battlefield. In the future, it will cause great pressure on logistics maintenance. At this time, under the command of General von Scheer of the German army, the military began an emergency equipment standardization scheme. The main purpose is to standardize the truck models in the logistics supply system, and the military truck models planned by the army will be reduced to 30.

Opel's early three ton prototype car before World War II, Opel was the largest truck manufacturer in Germany. Opel s / SSM truck series three ton medium-sized military trucks had strong power. The power hatch cover in front of the truck could be opened on both sides. Opel's excellent design scheme was very popular at that time. The German army was attracted by the performance and design of this military truck, and Opel obtained the order for the first batch of 3-ton series military transport trucks from the German army. Opel three ton transport truck Opel 4x2 series medium-sized truck is a model with conventional layout, steel cab and wooden carriage. The German equipment plan model is named typs. Opel power cabin is equipped with an in-line six cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine with a displacement of 3.6 L, the engine output is 73.5 HP, the vehicle weight is about 2.1 tons, the vehicle length is 5.95 meters, the body width is 2.34 meters, and the vehicle height is 3.18 meters (including the height of opening the vehicle roof). When the vehicle is fully loaded, the actual load can reach 3.31 tons. Opel military trucks have a maximum road speed of 85 kilometers per hour, a fuel tank capacity of 82l, a road mileage of 320 kilometers and a maximum cross-country journey of about 230 kilometers. Opel 4x2 medium truck is a model of typs series. There are many variants of this truck.

Opel series military trucks (blitz 36-6700a) and buses are the main transport models for German battlefield transportation tasks. They provide extremely important power support for the smooth progress of German Blitzkrieg. Opel's excellent medium-sized trucks became the steel artery and battlefield backbone connecting the front and rear of the German army. Opel 3-ton medium-sized truck is the most equipped military truck in Germany during World War II, with a total output of more than 100000. German transport trucks the German army has higher and higher requirements for the off-road performance of trucks in the battlefield. Opel has developed a new four-wheel drive truck code typ a based on a 3-ton medium-sized truck. The front wheel drive effect of Opel medium-sized truck is stronger than that of most 4x2 trucks. The driving mode of 4x4 is 150mm shorter than the original wheelbase. The vehicle is equipped with a two speed ten speed transmission. Opel 4WD 3T truck has excellent cross-country performance, especially in complex road conditions and terrain. The German army can use it freely in the complex environment of North Africa and Eastern battlefield. This truck has derived many kinds of semi tracked variants. The total output of Opel series 4WD trucks is about 25000.

Opel variant vehicles although Opel has little involvement in German armored equipment, the trucks designed and produced by Opel have become the backbone of German transportation. These medium-sized trucks participated in most German battlefields in World War II, and their main role is to transport ammunition, fuel and supplies for the troops. It has the advantages of cold resistance, heat resistance and stable performance. It is very suitable for all kinds of bad road conditions. Based on Opel's 3-ton medium-sized truck, the German logistics force has developed a variety of variant vehicles, such as field ambulance, oil tank vehicle, command vehicle, mobile maintenance vehicle, etc. In the harsh winter of the eastern battlefield of the German transport team on the eastern line, a large number of Opel medium-sized trucks are difficult to travel. The German army refitted a strange semi tracked vehicle using Opel's original typa vehicles and outdated type I tank tracks. The rear axle of this modified semi tracked vehicle is shortened, the drive shaft moves forward and is coaxial with the engine gear. The vehicle is durable and suitable for a variety of complex terrain. The German front-line officers and soldiers gave this variant truck with excellent performance a nickname of mule. The German army refitted the semi tracked vehicle, and the German rear factory carried out mass production of this emergency refitted vehicle. Opel's 3.6-36s/ssm semi tracked military trucks are the most famous, with a total production of about 4000, especially widely used in the later battlefield of the German army. Mule semi tracked military trucks are often used to drag all kinds of medium and heavy artillery, including the famous 88mm anti-aircraft gun of the German army, which is enough to show the power of Opel trucks.

At the end of 1944, the production of this classic German truck was greatly delayed by the Allied strategic bombing and front promotion. With the depletion of war resources, all the carriages were made of wood and plywood to save valuable steel materials. Since 1945, the output of German trucks has been very few.


















上一篇:放个能回收的卫星——界线新品预告:芬兰狙击手coming soon
下一篇:DAFTOYS新品:1/6 肖申克 瑞德 可动人偶 (F020)
发表于 2021-8-23 22:57 手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-8-23 22:58 手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-8-23 23:01 | 显示全部楼层
zaq123 2021-8-23 23:17 回复
黑色油渍磨损是有的 浅做旧 重度泥浆风化弹坑炮灰一般都是玩家根据自己喜好diy,不能出厂一色重度的
发表于 2021-8-23 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-8-23 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
陈阿弟 发表于 2021-8-23 23:08

角度拍摄 实物很大的
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发表于 2021-8-23 23:11 手机 | 显示全部楼层
zaq123 2021-8-23 23:23 回复
尺寸 1000*385*460mm
cqy7 回复 zaq123 2021-8-24 09:31 回复
 楼主| 发表于 2021-8-23 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
cqy7 发表于 2021-8-23 23:11

尺寸 1000*385*460mm
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发表于 2021-8-23 23:51 手机 | 显示全部楼层
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