☆ 三游酷玩 (17年老字号诚信模玩店)
★ 犹大模玩 - 【雕像专营形象店】
☆ 呼和浩特 呼市兵人HOBBY CASTLE
★ 香菜模玩(皮皮虾模玩店)
☆ 北京 Easytoys国贸旮旯玩具店
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 广州 优之兵模 兵人专卖店
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
★ 广州 专业兵模玩具店-【主营批发】
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
★ PJ玩具铺仓储批发店- 【主营批发】
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 武汉 藏影兵人沙龙
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 天津 神秘博物馆 实体店
☆ 御车族-福州兵人模型店皇冠金牌店
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[非12寸] Soap Studio:1/12 蝙蝠侠80周年纪念《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》- 猫女

发表于 2020-1-20 21:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
由安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway) 扮演的貓女, 在黑暗騎士中的鬥士形象, 是個勇猛卻神色帶憂傷的俠女,在緊身衣包裹下的是複雜的心路歷程, 腳踏一雙皮靴, 系上腰帶, 帶上眼罩, 自此她以另一個身份在葛咸城尋求新的開始。不同於漫畫中貓女的柔媚眼神, 電影中看到是更多堅韌的一面。利索的轉身,快速精準的踢腿,沒有一絲猶豫累贅的揮拳,在每一場打鬥中,我們看到的是一個劫富濟貧的遊俠。

此貓女人偶高約16.5cm,人偶從頭像到配件及服飾均高度還原了電影《蝙蝠俠: 黑夜之神》中的造型,並擁有33個可動關節及高度細緻的服裝和配件!人偶配備了眼罩(可替換)、手槍、電磁脈衝槍、拳頭手、放鬆手、叉腰手、持眼罩手、持槍手、上膛手及高仿真頭雕。另附上場景背卡,玩家可通過對道具配件的自由組合還原不同姿態,搭配其他1:12人偶、道具及盒中的背卡,構建自己的“電影舞臺”。細緻的塗裝和真實面料質地的服裝完美呈現了由安妮·海瑟薇 (Anne Hathaway) 飾演的角色!

為慶祝蝙蝠俠誕生80週年, 凡購買Soap Studio 1:12貓女均可獲贈蝙蝠俠80週年銀色扣章一枚!

配件包括 :
1. 貓女頭雕 x 1
2. 眼罩(可替換) x 2
3. 手槍 x 1
4. 電磁脈衝槍 x1
5. 手型配件 x10 (拳頭手一對、放鬆手一對、叉腰手一對、持眼罩手一對、持槍手一隻、上膛手一隻)
6. 場景背卡 x1
7. 地台 x 1
8. 80週年銀色扣章 x 1

預計出貨日 : 2020年6月底

"I take what I need from those who have more than enough. I don't stand on the shoulders of those with less."

Catwoman in the Dark Knight series played by Anne Hathaway is a warrior with sadness but brave. Hope for a new beginning in Gotham City, she covers up her complex psychological journey under the black catsuit, leather boots, belt and eye patch. Unlike Catwoman in comics, Catwoman in dark knight series seems to be much more perseverance. Neat turn, fast and precise kick, throw a punch without any hesitant, showing her knight-errant spirit in every fight.

This collectible figure stands approximately 16.5cm, designed after THE DARK KNIGHT (2008) characters on-screen appearance with 33 movable joint and highly detailed costumes and accessories. The figure comes with goggles (interchangeable), hand gun, EMP rifle, fist hands, relaxing hands, akimbo posture hand, goggles holding hands, gun holding hand, gun loading hand and Catwoman head sculpt. To allow players flexibly build their own “movie stage” , a backdrop is also attached to the set. Facial sculpture with high simulation, meticulous painting and clothing made of real fabrics perfectly present the character played by Anne Hathaway!

To celebrate the Dark Knight’s amazing legacy, our 1:12 Catwoman is bundled with an 80th-anniversary silver pin!

Accessories included:
1. Catwoman Head Sculpt x 1
2. Goggles (Interchangeable) x2
3. Hand Gun x1
4. EMP Rifle x1
5. Hand Parts x10 (Fist Hand x 1 pair, Relax Hand x 1 pair, akimbo posture hand x 1 pair, goggles holding hands x 1 pair, gun holding hand x 1pc, gun loading hand x 1pc)
6. Backdrop x1
7. Stand x1
8. 80th-anniversary silver pin x 1

Expected shipping date: End of June 2020









上一篇:TOYS ERA TE033 新品:1/6 THE HUMORIST 幽默主义者
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发表于 2020-1-21 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
没真人头雕 我放弃了   另外感觉这身衣服束缚性太强了 摆不出来什么姿势  放家里跟雕塑差不多
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