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[HT] Hottoys 新品:COSB364-375《银河护卫队2》Cosbaby公仔 套装两款

发表于 2017-5-5 17:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
本帖最后由 钢铁帝国 于 2017-5-5 18:11 编辑

《#银河护卫队2#》被观众们堪称漫威史上最佳续集! 已经抢先看过电影你一定明白,Hot Toys今天为什麽会以超萌造型把拥有「一触看人心」异能的螳螂妹丶统领「掠夺党」抢遍银河系的勇度和经严厉训练的「宇宙霸王」魁隆养女星云涅布拉化身Q版COSBABY啦!当中螳螂妹与勇度更各自火并 「守护队」成员组合成两套套装!这些组合其实已经剧透了!大家看完电影就会明白啦!

Finally, Guardians have landed on our planet! With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 has just arrived, Hot Toys would like to introduce few additional Guardians to our Cosbaby family.
Apart from the classic crew members from last episode, there are three new recruits from Vol. 2 who will be rolled out in Cosbaby Bobble-Head series 2 including Mantis and Yondu and Nebula.
The latest Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Cosbaby Bobble-Head series 2 composed of 4 devoted Guardians including Star-Lord, Rocket with Groot on his head, Mantis, Yondu and Nebula! Hot Toys Cosbaby team did an amazing job in crafting such adorable characters.
Fans will have 2 sets to choose from. With Star-lord wearing a headset attached to his purple cassette player, dressed up in his long velvet-red jacket, grayish t-shirt and holding his Element Guns, creating a great contrast with Mantis in her green outfit waving to say hello to fans, it’s just an irresistible combo.
Another surprising set is Yondu and Rocket with Groot on his head. Yondu is cool and stylish with his Mohawk fin, velvet-coloured trench coat and purple suit. He also has his Yaka Arrow ready for launch. All of these characters are about 9.5cm in height except for Rocket carrying Groot on his head, it’s about 14cm. Rocket Cosbaby carry two guns and it is flying in mid-air with his duo jetpack. Being his best partner, the cute Groot just lies comfortably on Rocket’s head with such an adorable innocent expression. Groot Cosbaby will come with a new magnetic feature.
On top of these amazing sets, Nebula and Groot in Ravager outfit Cosbabies will be available individually. Cool-looking Nebula is dressed in her red battling suit carrying a gun, while the other hand will be her robotic arm. How about Groot in Ravager battling suit? Yes, with adorable look of Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, Hot Toys has specifically creates another Groot Cosbaby version for Marvel enthusiasts!
Are you obsessed over the Guardians? Don’t miss the chance to complete your Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Cosbaby collection!
Please kindly find the attached photos and spec below for your reference.

~ Cosbaby Series ~
Designs inclusive:
Product Code
1     Star-Lord & Mantis Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head Collectible Set          COSB364
2     Rocket, Groot & Yondu Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head Collectible Set    COSB365
3     Nebula Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head                                                 COSB374
4     Groot Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head                                                   COSB375
Special Features:
-        Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 characters in stylized Cosbaby form
-        Approximately 9-14cm tall
-        Non-articulated figure with bobble-head
-        Rocket is featured with jet fire accessory effect base in the “Rocket, Groot & Yondu Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head Collectible Set”
-        Groot contains magnetic feature and can be attached to Rocket’s head in the “Rocket, Groot & Yondu Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head Collectible Set”

For Individual Window Box
·         24 units per carton (6 units per inner/ 4 inners per carton)

For Collectible Sets
·         10 units per carton (5 units per inner/ 2 inners per carton)

Release date:    Q3, 2017

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
2017 Marvel.
2017 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.


此一套三款为《银河守护队2》的「最佳逃狱拍档」 COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶,当中外型可爱但性格火爆的火箭浣熊 COSBABY将整装待发的穿上太空战服和飞行背包,手执专属双枪,以飞行姿态登场;而以萌萌小树人形态回归的格鲁特宝宝COSBABY 更会调皮捣蛋地以爬行的姿势蹲在火箭浣熊头上,卖萌讨趣;还有为全宇宙最恶名昭彰的大盗勇度 COSBABY,他头上戴上一个枣红色的「推动器」头冠与一身蓝皮肤,腰间系上以声音或意识控制的箭,能杀敌於无形。 (此款为套装独有)











常自我感觉良好的男主角星爵将首次掀开面罩以真面目化身成Q版COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶与螳螂妹组合成套装。戴着随身听耳机的星爵COSBABY将穿枣红色的长身皮褛造型战服丶双手握着专属短鎗武器,展现出一张满满自信的笑容;由神秘外星族人伊戈 (Ego) 养大的螳螂妹角色COSBABY拥有一对螳螂般的触须,并穿上整套以绿色和黑色为主调的太空战服,左手摆出触模的手势,施展她探视别人心思的异能。(此款为套装独有)






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