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已上传图:皮膚表面紋理製作: 國外網站製作分享篇:

发表于 2011-4-28 13:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店


Step Two: Primary Texture Direction

This is the primary direction that the skin texture will take. This is not to say that all your lines must follow this direction but this direction will be the predominant (and most apparent) direction of your texture. When you lay in your lines try not to make them too uniform, also vary your line thickness to make your texture more interesting and natural looking.
步驟二: 主紋路的方向


Step Three: Secondary Texture Direction

The secondary texture direction will break up your primary direction and can be much more irregular. Once again remember to keep your lines varied in both thickness and depth.
步驟三: 第二紋路方向


Step Four: Tertiary Texture

The primary and secondary skin textures are the creases where the flesh folds and stretches as your creature flexes and moves. The tertiary skin texture is the texture of the skin itself. This step is much like the previous two steps but on a much smaller scale and with a lighter touch. The tertiary skin texture should not be deeper than the primary and secondary texture.
步驟四: 第三紋路


Step Five: Smoothing

In this tutorial I'm using an oil based clay (Sculpey Premo ). To smooth out the texture I'll be using a solvent (Mineral Spirits) and a brush, but if you're using a water based clay then you will want to use water. The main point here is to knock down all those hard edges caused by the previous steps. This step is where you get scratches in clay to look more like skin texture. Start out by just using your brush in a stroking and stippling fashion. Then use your solvent in small amounts stroking the surface in all directions but favoring the direction of your primary skin texture. Once the surface looks more like undulations instead of scratches you have finished this step. It is very easy to completely eradicate all texture if you use too much solvent and brushing so practice on a scrap piece of clay before starting in on your sculpt. After you finish with this step your clay may be a little mushy so wait a little before moving on to the next step to allow the solvent to evaporate and your clay to firm up a bit.
第五步驟: 表面處理
在這邊為大家示範的是用美國土仿真土系列當素材,紋路表面修飾可運用溶劑或是嬰兒油做表面塗抹修飾,因為美國土系列為親油性黏土。 若是像new fando石粉黏土水性黏土,就直接用水表面塗抹即可達修飾效果。在這邊運用的技法為運用細筆刷在主要紋路的邊緣作輕輕的敲擊,如此可以讓黏土表面看起來紋路更加真實,同時運用筆刷沾一點溶劑(嬰兒油)在黏土表面輕輕小區塊小區塊的來回塗抹,直到每一小區塊的表面產生凹凸隆起,不像之前表面紋路像刻痕就可以完成此步驟。因為這需要一直練習,所以可以先拿一小塊黏土作練習完成後,再將其技法運用在作品上。 因為用溶劑表面會有點濕黏,將它靜置一段時間,等揮發後表面較硬化些就進入下一步驟。


Step Six: Finalizing Your Texture

In this step you will go in with your tools and bring out much of the texture that was smoothed away from the last step. You can see that I have accentuated steps 2, 3, and 4 but in light touches all around so as to not lose the smoothness that I got from step 5. If you go too heavy with your detail in this step you may need to repeat step 5. This step is a game of push and pull until you like the finished product.
步驟六: 強化紋路
在這段步驟中,你可以增加更細紋路,再運用步驟五將它軟化,製作其它表面紋路時不斷的重覆步驟2、3、4、5即可,若在製作細紋時,太過深或是明顯,可重覆步驟五改善。 簡單來講製作表面紋路的動作就像推、拉表面的一種遊戲,直到你完成作品。


Step Seven: Finish Smoothing and Adding Imperfections

In this step I use my brush only to help soften step 6. Once I like where the texture is at I add small imperfections by using a toothbrush and solvent. Get a scrap piece of clay and scrub it with your toothbrush soaked in solvent, and flick a mist of dissolved clay over the surface of your sculpt by pulling back on the bristles with your thumb. This adds little bumps and skin imperfections to the finished skin.

This texture is for a creature with very rough and thick skin much like elephant skin. However I'd like to point out that if I were creating human skin texture I would still follow all these same steps, just use much lighter touches all around.
步驟七: 完成修飾以及增加表面缺陷



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上一篇:更新!!24樓結論!!自製包膠素體願望快實現了(1)(MEL FANDO )
下一篇:自製包膠素體願望快實現了(2) (橡膠土鐵絲女手完成尾爛報告)
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回复 血印残阳 的帖子

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用在兵人身上 牛逼大了!!!
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看不到啊 是不是因为外部网站 呼唤Z大
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