☆ 三游酷玩 (17年老字号诚信模玩店)
★ 犹大模玩 - 【雕像专营形象店】
☆ 呼和浩特 呼市兵人HOBBY CASTLE
★ 香菜模玩(皮皮虾模玩店)
☆ 北京 Easytoys国贸旮旯玩具店
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 广州 优之兵模 兵人专卖店
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
★ 广州 专业兵模玩具店-【主营批发】
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
★ PJ玩具铺仓储批发店- 【主营批发】
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 武汉 藏影兵人沙龙
★ 广告位 -------------- 空缺中
☆ 天津 神秘博物馆 实体店
☆ 御车族-福州兵人模型店皇冠金牌店
楼主: ZIP

[参考] TS:SCAR-H/L实物细节与ACE版比较

发表于 2008-5-8 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-8 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-8 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
<p>上为ACE&nbsp; 下为TS</p><p>


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发表于 2008-5-8 15:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-16 09:25 | 显示全部楼层




<br/></p><p>老外的评测:</p><p>I have to admit that of all TS weapons they have put out, this or these ones are the best. They have not been known for their weapons (Everything from "it's a piece of sh-t" to "they aren't too bad"), but things are looking up for the company! <br/><br/>The thing I like most about the TS SCAR are the tiny letters (Look at <b>D</b>). They're so cool! And the front sights as well as the back sights go down (Look at <b>A</b>). Now the negatives about this gun, I only have three. One is that the stock does not come out far enough (Look at <b>C</b>)! Unlike the ACE which extends far more than TS. The second complaint is that the chin guard (?) doesn't do what ACE does (Look at <b>B</b>). Lastly, it doesn't "snap" when you unfold the stock, where as ACE does. I know, I know, minor complaints!<br/><br/>The negative things about ACE SCAR is that it doesn't have the cool letterings like the TS (<b>D</b>) and although the front sights goes down, the back one doesn't (<b>A</b>). Their fixed! <br/><br/>Other than that, I have no major grips over these weapons. Both are well made and both desire to be on anybody and everybody wish list! If you don't have one of these gun, GET ONE! You won't be disappointed. Now I'm waiting for the HT ones! It looks FANTASTIC!!!!!<br/><br/>Now, Ditmeus did a fantastic job of reviewing these SCARs by TS. As for the holes, simple, just drill it deeper. That's what I did and that seems to do the trick.<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
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发表于 2008-5-16 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-16 09:34 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>rocket_hze</i>在2008-5-16 9:31:00的发言:</b><br/><p>老外似乎对弹夹角度,火帽等细节不大关心啊,更多是对玩具品质本身的对比啊。</p></div><p>那是因为ACE没有SCAR-H的版本</p><p>若两者有,很明显的弹夹角度问题是不容忽视的 </p>
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发表于 2008-5-16 09:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-16 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-16 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
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